Cập Nhật S_INV_LGR_ENTRY, S_INV_TXN_BU đã bị gián đoạn do RDC tự động khởi động lại vào sáng sớm hôm nay. Tôi đã thử lại 1 lần nữa, có lẽ chúng mất 24 giờ để thực thi hoàn thành
Updated S_INV_LGR_ENTRY, S_INV_TXN_BU has been disrupted by RDC automatically restarted early today. I did try again, maybe they take 24 hours to execute complete
Update S_INV_LGR_ENTRY, S_INV_TXN_BU was interrupted by RDC automatically restart in early this morning. I tried to 1 again, maybe they took 24 hours to complete implementation