Chào Minh Tớ là Đào nè,mà lâu lắm rồi tụi mình chưa gởi thư cho nhau phải không?Hiện giờ tớ sống ở thành phố Cần Thơ chung với gia đình,gồm có cha mẹ,em trai và tớ,Hoàng
Hi, I'm Digging Ming's MOM that long time we have not sent messages to each other, right?Now I live in can tho city with his family, including his parents, brother and I, Emperor
Welcome Ming Dao I was way, but its a long time since we have not sent a letter to each other right? Now I live in the city of Can Tho with the whole family, including his parents, brother and I, Yellow