tôi sẽ xem bài mới trước ở nhà và lên lớp nghe giảng, không hiểu sẽ hoỉ thêm thầy cô hoặc bạn bè. Sẽ dành thời cho việc tự học cũng như kiến thức thực tế.
I would see previous post at home and to attend class, do not understand will be slightly more teachers or friends. Will spend for self-study as well as practical knowledge.
I will see the new post at home and to the class of listening, do not understand will add teachers or friends. Will take the time for self-study as well as practical knowledge.
I'll see a new one at home and I'll be lecturing, I don't know if I'm gonna add you or your friends. It'll be a time for self-learning as well as actual knowledge.<br>