Results (
English) 2:
In Vietnam, the wedding is traditionally the first must have ceremony "question ", this ceremony as a question, ask the bride of the groom's wedding. After the date and time are appointed, the offerings including betel leaves and areca nuts, fruits, candies... will be brought to the bride's family for preparing for marriage proposal. After the bride's family agree, the couple will burn incense and offer the gifts to the ancestral altar.<br>Next is the ceremony "to eat", after this ceremony the new girl officially recognized as the fiancé of boys. The groom will have to prepare the ceremony traditionally, including betel, cau, fruit, and many other things. This ceremony will be brought by the unmarried boys to the bride's house. At the same time, the bride's family also has a number of respective unmarried girls, who will receive the house's ceremony.<br>After all, until the official wedding day, this day the bride and groom's family will invite the guests who are relatives, friends, colleagues, neighbors.... To a happy family party. The guest who send greetings to the couple with some money in an envelope. The wedding takes place in the order of pre-defined cakes and Sampanh brides and the groom will cut bread and pour wine.
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