Results (
English) 2:
Weather Forecast 07.03.2015 day today, according to the Centers forecast meteorological central, northern weather during the weekend have a clear distinction. Region North West sunny early and high temperature 28-31 degrees C, some localities such as the Muong Lay (Dien Bien), Dien Bien Province, Muong La (Son La), or the sun appears Peace local heating to high temperatures 35-37 degrees C.
Hanoi and Northeast 7/3 night and morning drizzle 8/3 continued and fog. 8/3 noon, rain will decrease, surprise sunny sky, background highest temperature during the day is 24-26 degrees Celsius, warm sun, suitable for playing in the International Women's Day.
The area from Thanh Hoa to Hue night 7/3 cloudy, but no rain, ground temperature 20-23 degrees C common, cold sky se. 8/3 noon and afternoon, clouds descending, turn sunny sky and the temperature rose to 27-30 degrees C, some places like Xiangyang (Nghe An), Huong Khe (Ha Tinh province) or the South East (Thua Thien Hue ) will warm 34-35 degrees C. Southern Region 7/3 nights no rain, sun cool. But from 8/3 will appear sunny with high temperatures from 34 to 36 degrees C.
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