khi tôi book chỗ luôn luôn đảm bảo có chỗ, dịch vụ của họ sẽ theo yêu cầu, mặc dù có thể so sánh nhưng chúng tôi nhận thấy sự support của Hoàng Hà với cty chúng ta.
when I book seats always guarantee a place, their services will request, although can compare but we found the support of the Yellow River with our company.
When I book seats always make sure there is place, their service will be on demand, although comparable but we recognize the support of Hoang Ha with our company.
When I book where I always make sure there's a place, their services will follow orders, even if we can compare, we can see the pope's support with the cty.<br>