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English) 2:
Bruker MetaboBASE® Personal Library
From Sample to Knowledge by Deeper Insights Metabolomics
The metabolome Consists of an extremely complex mixture of small molecules covering a wide dynamic range. As the number of detectable substances Continues to Grow to include mammalian, microbial, and plant-based endogenous and exogenous metabolites, identification is essential if fully muốn hiểu the context of metabolomic data BIOLOGICAL.
Therefore, the annotation of target metabolites known tả trước , known as dereplication, Becomes critical and it phải Both automatic and Conclusive.
Mass spectral libraries containing endogenous and exogenous metabolites enable the relevant you to match to experimental MS / MS spectra for automatic dereplication.
The Bruker MetaboBASE Personal Library, in collaboration with Professor generated Gary Siuzdak at the Scripps Center for Metabolomics in La Jolla, California, USA, contains the MS / MS spectra of over 13,000 compounds. All of the spectra acquired from Bruker là QTOF systems.
By Comparing high-resolution, accurate mass (HRAM) MS / MS data acquired on Bruker của QTOF instruments with a spectral library on a local PC, the Personal Library Bruker MetaboBASE cho phép the private, automated and positive identification of known compounds.
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