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English) 1:
Opening the market of agricultural productsThe most obvious problem and also the problem of attracting many of the most interest is the status of agricultural protectionism of rich countries today. Japan market protection of rice and other agricultural produce markets. The United States and Europe and subsidies for their farmers. According to recent estimates by the World Bank, the complete liberalization of agricultural markets in rich countries will bring to the developing world each year 26 billion dollars. To understand the real meaning of this number, we need to see clearly that that amount by half the amount of annual aid by rich countries for poor countries. As such, the opening of agricultural markets in rich countries is an issue of paramount importance.A few problems to be addressed than opening the market of agricultural products of the developing countries would also help these countries benefit similarly-even more-with the amount of 28 billion dollars each year. The benefit that part comes from the fact the trade liberalization will help each country expanded produce goods and services more effectively with cheaper rates. Another benefit of the trade is that consumers will purchase goods and services at a cheaper price-the type of goods and services that their countries cannot produce are so effective.In addition, developing countries conducted liberalisation will also promote South-South trade (trade between developing countries), the benefit to poor countries. Whether that is true or not, the food market liberalization will also still helps poverty reduction, because of this large expenditures of the poor households in developing countries.Tariff reductions for industrial goodsAlthough trade negotiations in people paying attention to agricultural issues, promoting market liberalization of industrial goods also need to be concerned with the same level. Many developing countries currently produce very effective manufactured goods, especially those using many workers such as textiles and electronics. In fact, 80% of the exports of the developing countries is built.The largest market for industrial goods is rich, but their import tariff level relatively low. Right now, the developing countries have to pay about 2/3 of the total tariffs for industrial goods for other developing countries because the import tax for industrial goods tend to be higher in developing countries.As such, the developing countries will benefit greatly from access to each other's markets more easily. That helps the manufacturer to more effectively will expand production and achieve efficiency thanks to the scale, at the same time encourage specialized as to what we are witness to in the process of integration of European countries in recent decades.Cụm từ “vòng đàm phán thúc đẩy phát triển” có thể giúp một số người thấy rằng mục tiêu chính của vòng đàm phán lần này là thuyết phục các nước giàu dỡ bỏ rào cản của họ đối với hàng hóa nhập khẩu từ các nước nghèo. Song nếu chỉ làm như vậy mới chỉ khai thác được một nửa lợi ích tiềm năng mà các nước đang phát triển có thể sẽ được hưởng nhờ hệ thống thương mại tự do hơn. Một nửa trong tổng số các lợi ích mà các quốc gia đang phát triển có thể sẽ được hưởng từ các cuộc đàm phán thương mại đa phương bị ngưng lại hiện nay xuất phát từ khả năng tiếp cận thị trường của nhau dễ dàng hơn.
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